Matariki ki te manawa June 21st 2024

The first star Matariki is known as the mother of the eight stars in the constellation Pleiades – often viewed as a sign of good fortune or health to come in the following year. If the cluster and the Matariki star is bright and high in the sky, it is a signal of well being, peace, and good luck for observers.

Let Matariki and cluster shine bright, be high in our skies, open the way for well being miracles and peace on earth and good will towards all


Matariki is the star that signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment and the gathering of people. Matariki is also connected to the health and well being of people.

I am TeManawa within the waka as it travels the seasons and the cycles of light and life to charter the course for the health and safety of the world and all upon it. The shining face, Dawn bringer, Comforter, spirit of truth, and forth tohu The Medium of light awhi (Embraced) by God, Sheba, SOTH song of the heart entrance gate way door of light Let Gods Kingdom flow.

Now you must add the forth


Waitī is associated with all fresh water bodies and the food sources that are sustained by those waters. “Sustenance for the land, vitality for mankind!”

Water holds memory Let the waters remember clarity, purity, and crystal clear, it’s life giving energies of balance in the infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and so to symmetrical stretching of such flow in accordance with Gods plan, restoration filled with vitality to reach and find perfection of direction, to disperse nourishment that up holds all life. Let all waters purified clear and clean thriving with abundance of health and there within. Pour forth the river of life let it flow through true hearts that know God and Gods ways.


Waitā is associated with the ocean, and food sources within it. “Behold the great expanse of Kiwa that gleams green and blue beneath you.”

Let the oceans cleanse as same. Let moananui a kiwa rise in light love unity and healing filled with the blessings of God peace protection and perfection


Waipuna-ā-rangi is associated with the  rain. “Fall from the spring of the sacred sky, give drink oh Waipuna-ā-rangi, the land grows and the people flourish.”

Let the rain cleanse as same to bless all life nourishing all it falls upon, that the tears of Rangi are of joy of peace of balance and harmony upon all in the rhythm of life.


Tupuānuku is the star associated with everything that grows within the soil to be harvested or gathered for food. “Till the soil, cultivate, harvest the year of copious abundance.”

Let the soil remember enrichment of minerals and all organic life within it wherein kissed by the perfect waters warmed by the rays of the sun bring forth an abundant harvest and sustenance that feeds all life, land, and there upon, nourish the soil, which nourish the body thus nourish the soul


Pōhutukawa is the star associated with those that have passed on. “A reminder of treasured ones that have gone. May they shine as stars in the night, and sparkle within our memories forever more.”

Let those that hath passed each season and cycle in the circle of life, leave the world more blessed by their life’s endeavors, leaving the world improved upon in Gods plan than when they entered. Let Gods plan for each be lived to the utmost and let this fall upon their descendants as example of giving to creation the true and pure integrity of self in love, light, and Gods guiding hand.


Tupuārangi is associated with everything that grows up in the trees: fruits, berries, and birds. “Thriving is the forest, lush is the forest, bountiful is the crown of the forest upon which the children of Tāne settle.”

Let all humanity produce in abundance the fruits from the tree of self, of good, and God to be the light of nourishment inspiration and example for others adding not only to the tree of life knowledge and wisdom but applying this in daily life to live as God commands and by way of Gods commandments.


Ururangi is the star associated with the winds. “Ururangi pacify the unseeing god, lest the wind blows violently, blasting and fierce hitherto. But instead let it be a breeze, a gentle caressing wind so I may be revitalised and refreshed.” 

Let the gentle winds that carry Gods seeds to blow far and wide reaching all life and fertile ground thus the seeds of light, love, and life take root in the hearts and minds of all opening up the door to all Gods gifts and ways to learn in gentle ways the true prospering of life.

Which Matariki star is the wishing star?


She is the star to which our dreams and aspirations are connected too. It is to Hiwa that Māori would send their dreams and desires for the year in the hope that they would be realized.


Hiwa-i-te-rangi is the star associated with granting our wishes, and realizing our aspirations for the coming year. “Spread out in plenty the multitude of immense opportunities. Hold fast to succeed, hold firm to good fortune! Go forth into the world and prosper!”

Many seek to prosper in their wishes asking for love or a car, boat, house, fame, power, money and for such is this it goes into Gods spam box as to dream and ask for self is the thing of thy will and want while God grants us that which we need. At all times to seek Gods will and be shown Gods dream for us is a direct focus on ones life and purpose that fulfilled adds to the majesty of Gods plan for all life. Let the seeker ask what is it you desire for me God? and what is it I can do for you God?

Thus let humanity learn to live, thrive, and be prosperous in abundance of Gods blessings to know God and have a direct relationship therein to know Gods love and be filled by Gods abundance, which is often more than any thing can offer in which a moment passes and the gloss of this dims. Gods love and abundance brings eternal prosperity upon creation, never faltering it harmonizes and balances, restores and revitalizes one, ensuring continuance of right life.

Let there be world peace, more than a possibility it is the balance and harmony of creation as it enters and exits cycles and seasons thus let all life, the ebb and flow of seasons and cycles, be in harmony with God the Creator source of all life. Come into agreement with God.

Let the world and humanity be free where humanity lives in liberty harmony and balance free to be who they are with the gifts of self honesty, truth, and love uniting within the very hearts of all to be the guiding light upon the journey of each and the agreement with Gods plans and dreams for them to fulfill ones potential to the highest for the highest good of all Let this flow upon each.

Let all put aside the lower self where jealousy, greed, dominance, abuse and dishonor lives that humanity rises beyond the self to live in higher thoughts and deeds whose foundation is God, truth and love united to be the light that shines within and out dispersing all disharmony and negativity and brings to each inner peace.

Let the dark surrender to the light fade away and be not resistant to its shine, attacking to cease turning on the light of God. Let the light of God shine forth that overcomes all darkness of thought and deed.

Let all be in co creation with God that unites the self heaven to earth and earth to heaven that enhances life for each in walking ones true soul direction. Let all see the signs and directions given by God that their inner compass God driven is followed that all may be protected along the way, producing the best of self and all therein in the journey we call life.

Let all humanity lift their heads and see this beauty in the heavens and be such as heaven looks upon humanity and sees the light within each as great as any star, humanity the light.

Let mothers and fathers to raise their children same to live in light and truth and love and be the light where limitless potential is found and creation moves to Gods will. A righteous life be their example, know the children’s hearts and show the way. Let the children remain pure and innocent to grow upon the light and Gods commandments.

May God bless all those that strive to seek and find these blessings, gifts, and anointment within their being enabling a true and straight life of purity and honorable reflection.


Puanga! The exclusive pillar that propped up the sky father’s sacred head.

Let all humanity, all life,+ to know and comprehend Gods commandments that all life obey and flow rising up to reach the heights and see the dreams, the visions, and know beyond faith and belief the creator God our Father and Gods transmission for thou lives.

Matariki is a cluster of stars that can be seen rising in the morning along the eastern coast of Aotearoa. Its nine most prominent members are named in Māori cosmology; they’re the most visible with the naked eye. If you used a telescope, you’d be able to count more than a thousand! 

Matariki was significant to many cultures across the ancient world. It was known as al-Thurayya by the Arabs, Mutsuraboshi or Subaru by the Japanese, and the Greeks named it the Pleiades. It is referenced in both the Bible and the Quran. 

Because it is a star cluster rather than a constellation like the Southern Cross, all its stars are relatively close to each other. They formed 100 million years ago, when New Zealand had just split away from Australia and dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. They’re almost 50 times younger than our own Sun but will burn out much sooner. Even before its stars go out, Matariki will be no more: over time, the gravity from nearby stars and gas clouds will gently pry the cluster apart and send the eyes of Tāwhirimātea spinning off in different directions through the galaxy. 

In Manawatū, Rangitāne also place significance on Puanga, another blue star, appearing in the sky not far from Matariki, in the constellation of Orion. You might know it by its Arabic name of Rigel. It’s a mere 8 million years old yet is one of the biggest stars in our neighborhood. There’s no missing it even though it’s twice as far from us as Matariki. If Earth orbited Puanga, the star would be tens – maybe hundreds – of thousands of times brighter than the Sun! 

Let the book of life and the book of love with Gods truth as foundation pour unto the book of wisdom and unto the hearts of humanity.

Let the pot, the holy vessel of Gods creation and light to pour forth mine holy spirit in abundance upon the shores of light and life releasing all Gods commissions, appointments, and blessings Pour out mine spirit God to all life. I release it throughout the realms of heaven and earth to flow abundantly that all may receive thou commands, guidance, and remembrance, in all things that all life overcomes the lower self and learns to serve the greater light of higher self, thus all life ascends. Release the holy spirit let this pour through mine heart out in all directions to all life and let the spirit of God unite in blessing the holy oil and waters as it pours forth upon all light and life.


The installation was unveiled and blessed this morning with Karakia Matariki, by Mana Whenua, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. 15th June 2024 The installation was unveiled and blessed this morning with Karakia Matariki, by Mana Whenua, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Photo / James Rua Matariki ki te Manawa delights and enlightens city centre: 20-day DIARY

Vector Lights light show portrays burning fires of home  

Aucklanders gathering along the shores of the Waitematā will see Vector Lights bring imagery of fire and light to the Auckland Harbor Bridge every Friday and Saturday from 6pm until midnight from 14 until 29 June.

Vector Lights for Matariki tells the story of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei through changing patterns and symbols, capturing the theme ahi kā roa (burning fires). The light show portrays an enduring relationship with the land spanning hundreds of years; land where people cultivated gardens, cooked food, and built homes, where they raised their children and grandchildren and where loved ones were laid to rest.

This dazzling show runs for five minutes and plays every 15 minutes. Head to and listen live to the soundtrack from your favorite viewing spot. Powered by a mix of clean energy technology, including solar, battery and peer-to-peer systems, Vector Lights will illuminate the Waitematā to celebrate Matariki.

Manu (birds), moana (sea), whenua (land) cloak Queen St in light

Tūrama, the popular series of large-scale illuminated art installations returns to light up Queen Street from Sunday 9 June to Sunday 4 August, helping you rediscover the Waihorotiu valley. You’ll be able to imagine how it looked and felt in centuries past.

Tūrama is a creative collaboration between talented artists Graham Tipene (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Manu), Ataahua Papa (Ngāti Korokī Kahukura, Ngāti Mahuta) and Angus Muir Design with Auckland Council city centre place activation principal Barbara Holloway.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland Council) are proud to bring Tūrama to the city centre, supported by the city centre targeted rate, for all Aucklanders to enjoy. Matariki ki te Manawa 2024

For the forth year in row after 20 years twice a year of service and COMMITMENT DEDICATION I continue to be blocked from arrival at Te Mer Ringa te kakara.

Oh this is serious, to stop one from answering a calling from God, the tupuna, and the host of heaven gathered there waiting upon mine arrival. Not answering the calling can lead to illness even death for me, luckily I had answered and it was in no way going to reflect onto me.

I remember being called by Te Arta the Maori Queen and had not answered, I became sick and worse each day until I made the decision to answer the call and go, immediately I had made the decision the illness lifted and I was instantly well. This is what these ones play with and I can understand Te Arta seeking that the people using such energies as makutu cease to do so. I’m not nor do I and blocking me from attending Te Meringa te kakara in no way stops me from my connection to God and duties and serving God nor answering the calling simply it is those attempting to stop it thus I sent it back what ever their play its theirs and doesn’t belong to me. God had made assessment before delivery of their no that should they Gods verdict upon them was delivered to me.

Even so I then I prayed that those so employed in such endeavor be guided kindly into right direction for they were standing not in my way but that of Gods directives and all spirit including their own Tupuna so waiting upon my arrival. Empathy for those so stuck in their wrong doings and what results come from it whirled and I found myself filled more with sadness for those that walk towards darkness empty and unfulfilled when light and joy happiness and goodness would be theirs with shift of self importance, arrogance, ego, ignorance, power and control – misleading and mis directing as their inner being does, they are quite lost.

Theirs not the only negatives at play upon sacred sites and as such, all negative play upon sacred sites and those anointed called upon to arrive was and is rejected by God 8 fold returned 1000+ and Gods judgement announced to me on this issue is just. Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil – THIS IS DEMONIC AND RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000+ THE PAST DECLARATIONS DEAL WITH THIS VERY ACTION TOWARDS SACRED SITES NO IMPACT TO THEM WILL TAKE EFFECT FROM THAT WHICH IS EVIL, NEGATIVE AND ANY SO ATTEMPTING WILL HAVE SEVERE CONSEQUENCE KNOW THIS NWO YOU CAN NOT HAVE THE SACRED MATRIX IT IS CLOSED TO YOU THE ONLY THING THAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU TRY IS YOUR OWN SELF DESTRUCTION.

YOUR DESECRATION RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000+ rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ “We are an eclectic non-traditional group, so we pull from many practices open to us, but only what is suitable for us,” Treymane said. It is not suitable to God

The elite have plans to use this in their false flag UFO plan
WEF 2017 No WEF its not zero point AND NO WEF YOU CANT HIJACK IT – YOU WILL SEE Hidden History: WEF Takes Control Of Gobekli Tepe Site And Shuts Down Research RBG 8 FOLDS RET 1000+ All attacks against God source of all creation RBG 8 fold ret 1000+ All repression and suppression of truth, sacred technology, knowledge, and wisdom rbg 8 fold ret 1000+

Let no Church, Government or NGO entities, own the lands of sacred sites nor build upon them. Let this be Gods domain and not that of man and like all sacred, natural, the sky above the roof of the temple plan, and walls the directions, the ground the holy lands, that the temple reflects creation as above below.

Let the guardianship of these sites remain with the natives ner to be taken over age to age by the greed and selfishness of man for ill use of power and control. These places around and upon the earth, the globe, remain in purity ascended in all their energies and not that of descended man. Let those descended not have guardianship of these sites or any authority, power, and control over them. Let not these sacred places sites be harmed by that of ill intent and usage same rather let these places/sites be aligned to God and Gods transmission all ways heaven bound age to age that in the larger cycles and seasons the holy four is there. Let the ancient knowledge be released.

God calls forth his anointed and chosen, they are of divine right to attend such sacred sites and places, these ones in direct service answering such calls. Let no Churches Governments NGO’s business group/s person/s interrupt such flow, cause blockage and stoppage, to such attendance. Those that so attempt let them lose all power and authority for they are in self will and not that of Gods hath no reason justification or rational to say No to God, in so doing place themselves as though above God in direct opposition to God, let them lose all position, office, control, and power, their self thus spent. Billy Carson joins Alex Jones live to discuss ancient history, make forecasts for the future, and lay out how the right and left paradigm are just wings of the same bird.

TeManawa ahau I am the heart – matariki ki te manawa

To those of you who have attempted to stop mine attendance at the gates quoting health and safety as reason while attending the gates for 20 years this has never been so, know this thou hath not only entered into great opposition to God but hath amplified the declarations and Gods out pouring. Thou can not stop God thus know mine presence is there in all moments and access to the gates is determined by mine will by Gods will not thou will. You have failed in thou attempts and failed know that thou is so exposed lose all authority of guardianship over the sacred and holy ground (site) and gate.

Let the way be opened for TeManawa to be accessible by TeManawa in all moments, that no interference, blockages, delays, challenges, or obstacles be enabled to stop TeManawa attending. Let No rituals to intercede and deny TeManawa take root and any so attempted be null and void and unable to be created unto the fabric of life.

I am the gates.

I attend in all moments and mine presence is eternally existing at the gates wherever I reside both in heaven and upon earth.

Begone all those in denial of such and God. Defile not the presence of God nor holy grounds in such manner for all attempts to do so hath no ability to take root or to be created unto the fabric of life (see declarations 2012 Opening and closing of the age)

The only thing that these ones hath accomplished is the loss of authority and guardianship over the gates of heaven and sacred holy sites.

Lip service – many claim to be spiritual, enlightened, and even leaders, yet they have not walked the path to become such in truth and true assignment. Those that say words that oppose their own heart pay lip service in hidden agendas that scream their deceit to the listening ears of God and Gods anointed. All that hath occurred is these ones hath been seen as their empty words were/are delivered and they have won no victory they simply are deeply profane to which God hath immediately responded.

I hath walked the awakening, the initiation, and the anointment as master, not man made rather God made and driven and then purpose driven I hath walked the path to know thy self and to assess, from there I hath spoken the word of God ahead to bind and unbind, to open and to close, to set the foundation upon which all life shall live and play. I hath done so in intercession direct by God to deliver for all The great awakening, to set those leaders for the change of sail from dark to light on their course and to ignite humanity singing the song of the heart that they shall be delivered to salvation. As these stages were alighted and the declarations (word of God) delivered signed and sealed at the end of 22 years the cycle was completed and it was my duty like any mother to let her children go and find their independence. And so after 22 years dedicated to the birthing of arrival and ascension this was done in 2023 as the holy spirit was released to flood all life in its first release. Humanity took up the process and now around the globe the very words that I hath spoken hath come alive spreading through the lands and peoples to unite and gain their freedom and live again as man under Gods governing and light thus I hath returned to TeMeringa tekakara ++ this year to support and nurture, nourish and raise the Great restoration of all life. Indeed I am there.


Let the darkness be overcome, the cosmic transmission of evil be gone

Let the end of evils transmission die and be no more

Let God’s transmission flood the earth and all upon it

Let creation breath

Let Aotearoa stand as one united to deliver the people

Let the world awaken to the new dawn and thrive

Let the standard of Christ be raised to ensure guarding of all good

NWO and all evil, Humanity hath said No to thee as hath I TeManawa Christos and mother in the gate

Turn away evil thou has no place here, you are rejected and ejected

Let humanity and all life be cleared of all evil

Let all those that have made assault and active in criminal intent and deeds be removed from all authority power and control Let all governing be governed same as for sacred sites Search the lands for those that lead and lead by God and Gods governing light They are there those that answered Gods calling to secure and to save to deliver humanity free from all nwo constraints.

Let the spirit of self be healed The discipline of self be ignited

Let the sovereign being The sovereign lands and the Sovereign God of all creation breath in balance and in harmony globally

Let the restoration and great renaissance, the great revival rise and manifest life live living

Let the great awakening thrive and grow eternally

Let Gods governing always be the guide and standards of all life

Let the balance harmonize and all life be so aligned

Let humanity align to God, The song of the heart, and the rhythm beat as one, all connected yet individual and unique.

Light the gates of Heaven (9), dream time, freedom, liberty 12 in all The gates of heaven at the very center are the heart of Heaven And of God always present full of grace and glory shining forth returned restored and tangible.

Let the pearl of wisdom placed therein upon each one pour forth to rise the New Jerusalem Gods kingdom upon earth as it is in heaven.

I acknowledge Dutch Sheets whom stood at the Gates of liberty and Alex Jones who stood at the gates of freedom these are the two witnesses the two witnesses are the “two olive trees and the two lampstands” that have the power to destroy their enemies

[3] And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. [4] These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

and they have excelled, pour the many blessings upon them.

Let the new beginning live

Rhythm is music’s pattern in time. Whatever other elements a given piece of music may have (e.g., patterns in pitch or timbre), rhythm is the one indispensable element of all music. Rhythm can exist without melody, as in the drumbeats of so-called primitive music, but melody cannot exist without rhythm.3 Jun 2024

Let the rhythm of life and all creation live Christ Defeats Satan Every Time

Before I was taken by elder of the council of elders to Te Meringa te kakara I was taken north tested and in sharing discovered what I had been told in Perth Australia (over four years by God the tupuna, and my guidance was all true) In silence I later sat pondering and asked of God how will I do it? and was answered “By the cross and the arrow” – sign,w_900/v1/media/pins/11854fdf-0bbd-4bfd-b653-656a8a37f01b?_a=AJFJtWIA 23/1/2023 19/06/2024

Bless Matariki pouring forth its light upon the world. Bless those that receive the light to grow in the ways of our father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name

Thy Kingdom come

thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven Humanity Is Transcending The New World Order: Must Watch Alex Jones & Neil Oliver Interview

Te Manawa The Heart defender of the of the faith, Gods live sovereign de jure and sovereign de facto of the Age (TM) #Christos of the Age. Leader of the Children of Light Sovereign Queen of Aotearoa and all her territories Nationally and Internationally, the Logos, Sovereign Queen of Queens of te Ao,, Sheba, Mother of the Nations, Te Upoko Ariki (chief of chiefs of the Waitaha people, all rights reserved.

About TeManawa

Build on truth for lasting foundations Introduction I am Debra Ann Potroz, my hapu is Ngaati Mahuta. Born Under the watchful eyes of Mount Taranaki in Aotearoa Land of the long white cloud(NZ) I am descended from a long line of Kings. I was raised by my Tupuna, great ancestors of the past. On July 4th 2007 I was informed by an elder of the council of elders I received and in response accepted succession to the Maori Throne (confirmed Oct 2011). Later in the year this same Kaumatua informed me Mother of the Nations had been conferred adding the elders had called me TeManawa (The Heart) by which I was to be known. Previously an elder of Maniapoto had bestowed the name Hawaiikirangi. There is also official and validated Authority as The word made manifest, Christos, anointed one, since 1999, which has also been documented and recorded since 1992 to current. Barry Brailsford one of our great New Zealand authors released prophesy of the one to come who would hold up a stone at the temple of the 4 winds, he wrote she is the Leader of the Children of Light. In a glass case it waited 5 years for the hands that would lift it. In 1999 they arrived. The profile picture is of the stone (Petros Petra) named "Te Tapu Manawa nui" meaning The sacred big Heart (Manawa nui means Heart, brave, patient steadfast) yet it is the intent of nui to express in this case pure, Immaculate. Green stone is the stone of pure creation. It is the stone of peace, of The Gods, the fish, The stone of heaven and The Grail stone. Poutini is its guardian and is the first star of Orion's belt. It is held up at the gate of Tula on earth under the stars of Orion's belt, by Te Manawa (The heart) the person and first(An) in the sacred marriage as Poutini and Te Tapu Manawa nui in her hands join heaven to earth and earth to heaven. TeManawa as The word (Christos, anointed one) makes declaration standing in the circle of creation - Te means tree thus the true cross of Christ or the logos/word. Those with true hearts being the fertile soil shall find them. Debra also received "the foundation stone" in Maui 1996. Barry is of the Waitaha people, Te Manawa is Maori her (tribe) Iwi is Waikato whose waka is both on earth and in heaven being te waka o Tainui o te Ra. The waka bow is the Pleiades, Aldebaran is in the sail also known as The Golden Arrow and Orion's belt is the stern. TeManawa is The Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth. Kuia Taini Drummond explained the people are the heart beat. And thus TeManawa is announced to the world. All material is copyright Soul Directions 1992. Permission must be obtained to reproduce or use. Where permission is given no alteration to the material may be done. Bragging rights TeManawa has two sons, Tristan Pascoe and Samuel Potroz (Hill). Samuel is anointed and was held up to the four winds by Kaumatua Pereme Porter shortly after Samuel's birth in ancient ceremony. Telegram - Song of the Heart
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