The end is near

The globalist are on the way out world wide – their end is near

When there is an end there is always new beginning – The Restoration is about to arrive

There are so many standing with God now The children of light The un vaxed, patriots, truth Sayers, and the final push is here as we are about to over run evil and those minions of it.

Sin Separates Us from God
(Psalm 14:1–7; Psalm 53:1–6; Romans 3:9–20)

1Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,

nor His ear too dull to hear.

2But your iniquities have built barriers

between you and your God,

and your sins have hidden His face from you,

so that He does not hear.

3For your hands are stained with blood,

and your fingers with iniquity;

your lips have spoken lies,

and your tongue mutters injustice.

4No one calls for justice;

no one pleads his case honestly.

They rely on empty pleas; they tell lies;

they conceive mischief and give birth to iniquity.

5They hatch the eggs of vipers

and weave a spider’s web.

Whoever eats their eggs will die;

crack one open, and a viper is hatched.

6Their cobwebs cannot be made into clothing,

and they cannot cover themselves with their works.

Their deeds are sinful deeds,

and acts of violence are in their hands.

7Their feet run to evil;

they are swift to shed innocent blood.

Their thoughts are sinful thoughts;

ruin and destructiona lie in their wake.

8The way of peace they have not known,b

and there is no justice in their tracks.

They have turned them into crooked paths;

no one who treads on them will know peace.

9Therefore justice is far from us,

and righteousness does not reach us.

We hope for light, but there is darkness;

for brightness, but we walk in gloom.

10Like the blind, we feel our way along the wall,

groping like those without eyes.

We stumble at midday as in the twilight;

among the vigorous we are like the dead.

11We all growl like bears

and moan like doves.

We hope for justice, but find none,

for salvation, but it is far from us.

12For our transgressions are multiplied before You,

and our sins testify against us.

Our transgressions are indeed with us,

and we know our iniquities:

13rebelling and denying the LORD,

turning away from our God,

speaking oppression and revolt,

conceiving and uttering lies from the heart.

14So justice is turned away,

and righteousness stands at a distance.

For truth has stumbled in the public square,

and honesty cannot enter.

15Truth is missing,

and whoever turns from evil becomes prey. What The Devil Wants Most… Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes The Fight For Your Soul – Soul Directions from the inside out. The only way to travel the journey of life. Breaking Video: Steve Bannon Says Deep State Will Be Arrested For Their Crimes Against The American Republic – sealed and don’t think for a minute that this didn’t happen in other countries around the world and they wanted him silenced ahead of their rollout but that’s never going to happen as they experience the backlash backfiring boomerang. Criminals are at it again only this time they will end up in jail – Ask is Luxon, Seymour, Peters about to do an Ardern David you will need to change inside for the required change to take place I don’t see you doing the hard yards now do you. As for the Party they are emulating their leader are they not. What I do see is you throwing stones and your intent in the future Oh yes I see it Excess Mortality Is Undeniable And Horrifying Across The World Reminder the globalist have stated the children as their next target If you have any sense of protecting them you will have to stand Yep, its been programmed by garbage and the globalist want it to make decisions for you for all indeed for humanity by giving it control opting out of self responsibility and determination the dream of their false prophet – and this is what giving away your power looks like Lets see they came out against the Government even if poorly done and now suddenly there is an investigation not their dealings well I have rejected that and turned that mirror round so expect the Government to also be highly investigated in the near future not only for its Covid fraud but for the infiltration of globalist’s following foreign orders and the domestic threat by those that allow it comply with it make deals with it – John you better be squeaky clean because I have not rejected this due to that but to the political move of the government who knows they are in deep trouble regardless of who is in or which one – Aotearoa is not the play ground for globalist any more and while you are distracting like this remaining unfocused The globalist are in deep trouble losing everywhere and soon it will arrive here There must be independent oversight of the whole picture of government agency activity. OK lets investigate the pop up vax tents, the pay outs to those injecting Covid vax and who gave the shots. lets investigate who what and when did they know about the Covid genocide

Lets investigate ASHLEY BLOOMFIELD being co chair of WHO and the WHO treaty negotiations

Lets investigate the training given to Ardern by Blair (War criminal) WEF (War criminals) and Clinton (War criminal) Lets investigate who else is highly connected to the globalist in Parliament and business within our country.

Lets investigate The Christchurch call

Let’s investigate the legitimacy of and legality of The New Zealand Corporate Governments (its not)

Lets count the votes proper of the 2020 elections that I ordered the Electoral Commission to NOT DESTROY per stolen elections.

Lets investigate who the so called crown is and is not

Lets investigate why the New Zealand Corporate Government wants to gain ‘right to rule” they have stridently been attempting lets say since John key just to date because they do not have the right to rule

Lets investigate the phone calls and emails to foreign entities from Parliament and the handlers of the Prime ministers.

Lets investigate the five eyes usage by foreign heads of state to spy on their own people like Clinton and Obama on Trump campaign. as an example.

and on and on its goes as I present just a few that come to mind of the may things that need to be and have been investigated

Like lets investigate why the government is suppressing freedom of speech and why it runs propaganda against the people (and it is)

Lets investigate why the New Zealand Governments past and present (likely future until we sort it) attacking Maoridom (and it is) .

Lets investigate why MP’s PM’s Ministers attack smear defame dismiss discount all those standing up speaking up and speaking truth ‘Lets investigate who our politicians really are what their connections are their true background, agendas in full

Lets investigate why we have severe abortion laws in this country and why we accept a christian PM stating he can put aside his belief (religion) for his role in politics A statement that indicates he can also genocide in short.

Oh that’s right we did ALL OF THESE AND MORE and we know

So attack by all means and there will be counter attack which means more attacks the difference one side is righteous the other criminal One patriotic the other sell outs to foreign agencies One speaks the truth they other uses lies deceit propaganda The truth Sayers will exist always against those whose time is short. Some may falsely BELIEVE I AM ATTACKING I’m not I SIMPLY REJECT YOURS

Why don’t you get together tell the truth sort yourselves out DO WE HAVE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH COURAGE HONOR INTEGRITY to do this DO WE ACCOUNTABILITY IS COMING FOR THE GLOBALIST (world wide) Shane this issue has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with stealing land and land grabbing stealing resources that are not the crowns and you are a traitor SEALED Still do not get it , sitting down with the so called crown is a farce one that led to genocide in our modern times as those in power believe they have it to such an extent as to dictate to all

Giving themselves emergency powers writing laws to cover their crimes, all pre meditated allowing themselves an exit from accountability . They have over thrown Maori treaty breaking it over and over again while adopting a “we will work from inside parliament” the outcome of this a slide as those there become impregnated with the evil that sits at the table Anytime Maori stand up they smear denigrate and dismiss. What do you all not comprehend about the globalist have done a coup are in treason are traitors are guilty and they know it

The system is broken, it can not be repaired. It is out dated, feudal and yet not and social going into communist as recently experienced Ardern admin dictatorship arrogant persons attempting to hijack Maori sovereignty as it has for the past 180 years.

To continue this means Maori enslavement and demise not thriving along with all peoples of the world and until we come together in this reality and comprehend that we are all in extreme danger and need to do something different planning for a future that no one right now has according to the UNNWO agendas – you don’t get this then you are asleep at the wheel. The globalist are not just going to give your country back because they have hijacked it now they are winding you all back.

Everyone wants to be saved and Maori have the means and what that looks like is uniting Maori and settlers like never before against their common enemy. The old system is broken, corrupt and evil. Unite that we may truly go forward as one nation. Its more than possible and those stopping/jeopardizing the future for all people need to step aside. Ponder this with God and you will get the same answer as I have just given.

The Covenant of the Redeemer

18So He will repay according to their deeds:

fury to His enemies,

retribution to His foes,

and recompense to the islands.d

19So shall they fear the name of the LORD

where the sun sets,

and His glory where it rises.

For He will come like a raging flood,

driven by the breath of the LORD.e

20“The Redeemer will come to Zion,

to those in Jacob who turn from transgression,f

declares the LORD.

21“As for Me, this is My covenant with them,”g says the LORD. “My Spirit will not depart from you,h and My words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouths of your children and grandchildren, from now on and forevermore,” says the LORD.

For all those that the globalist have harmed
denigration rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ It has already been established that the government is not leading its simply following foreign entities dictates, you know TREASON, Traitors….and yes they removed treason form the their laws an act of treason in and of its self but so they could do a coup and not be held accountable – Oh how wrong they are. – National are not the grown ups at all and appears to be the bully boys in reality while the Lotus flowers you mean the communist play book of kindness while they kill, oh no you mean the woke, oh no you mean Maori actually you mean anyone that doesn’t fit your narrative So there you have it the propaganda machine in play

The LORD looked and was displeased

that there was no justice.

16He saw that there was no man;

He was amazed that there was no one to intercede.

So His own arm brought salvation,

and His own righteousness sustained Him.

17He put on righteousness like a breastplate,

and the helmet of salvation on His head;

He put on garments of vengeance

and wrapped Himself in a cloak of zeal. Daughter Of Stanley Kubrick Tells Never Before Heard Secrets And Exposes How To Save Humanity – The mind is limited the spirit limitless The opportunity is to cut the repeat cycle by rejecting the abusiveness of it What do you think the globalist are fighting for The age to be theirs of darkness and evil versus breaking the cycle and an age of God and limitless. The Good news is that humanity is in consensus to go with God and the higher path that was established in 2013 otherwise The Restoration would never have been. There are no accidents in the universe. Yes the challenge was placed and picked up in 1996 Now it has arrived for humanity in full and they have picked it up and are running with it.

Know this when the question of why do we have to go through this – The answer is simple telling you would do little but to live it means it will live in your hearts forever and you shall never forget. Another attack of the globalist agenda hits main stream media just in time for the bird flue roll out em. rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ you mean gates mossies’ you know the gmo ones RIGHT! Like Covid Like the bird flue – you do know NZ is GMO free in its laws right just pointing out another crime that leads to enabling accountability EPIC RANT: Alex Jones Beholds The Pale Horse / The Left Are Giant Piles Of Maggot Covered Flesh. The fire of Gods truth is coming down hard on Globalists and they know it Nationalism Ascendant: Populists CRUSH Globalist Faction Across the Board in EU Elections – what did you not comprehend about crushing the head of the snake and unraveling the knots

Know this the declarations (word of God) done for the world can not be undone and since they are done it simply now is manifesting.
Chinese buying up foreign farmland indeed any land rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Alex Jones To Join Tucker Carlson On Nationwide Tour, nation and world fully embracing Infowars Plus:Europe Establishment devastated by Hugh losses in EU Elections Macron calls snap election as he along with other globalist politicians lost big in EU elections. Draconian laws and Carbon tax collapsing in Australia as it completes cycle for new cycle, it is also starting to occur in New Zealand. Humanity is fighting and winning, about to over run the globalist. As TM stood back in 2023 handing it back to humanity to up take up has worked, the declarations are active and intensifying as we begin the new cycle with The Restoration arriving.

The first of Gods Governing arriving The 1st President living it. The example to the world. When I say to immigrants go home and fight for your country it is not due to you not being wanted rather that your country needs you. El Salvador is proof leaving due to crimes wars etc return due to those being righted.

Jnl 19 July 1995 Tomorrow shalt see a new horizon this then comes inwards. Tomorrow cleans out burdens somewhat. Tomorrow sees thee abundantly overflowing with life. Granted we seek deliverance too. Thou shalt give off encouragement setting view for all to see. Abroad takes time as equal measure of enfoldment. Gladly we bring thee about that thee need find thyself burst forth upon calling to display virtue. Keep rewards alignment generation to generation. can be thou Salvador. Thou shalt be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Cleave to this moment as to a worm liken to a silver moth. Divine light shall set course all bets placed upon this horse. Inclination to herald a spark creeps forth to close upon this day we shall remain side by side. Conclave concluded. No it is not, yet it is separate and that is not how we all move forward as one nation it is also opting out of taking back that which is ours rather than allowing a group of foreign and corrupt domestic threats to Aotearoa (NZ) No the Corporate New Zealand Government is no longer a feasible Governing system the old is dying and its time to rebirth a new one hence The Restoration which makes room for the settlers and the spiritual offering a way out of the NWO tyranny for all – Everyone put aside you bias, egos and start connecting the dots or you will never have anything other than divide which is exactly what the NWO desires. PS Ensure peaceful protest and gain self control and discipline be responsible as your also representing everyone else when you protest – Peaceful and Lawful – why did I put this here because while the cycle starts here it also ends here so we are the last to see the changes rest of the world is freeing itself – The world is changing as those standing up are in every country and winning so do not throw away the great opportunity that is arriving by being pig headed its your way or the high way because it is in reality in real terms Gods way that’s how the change was done and without it you will not win.

3-Pronged ATTACK: Globalists’ Plan to END SOVEREIGNTY rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ 3 strikes and your out

Always there has been reason for that which has been done – TM The Globalist Plan Is Reaching Its Final Stage – The Globalist Plan Final Stage rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ let it fall and fail Bioweapon Whistleblower Exposes The Secrets Of COVID-19, Bird Flu, And More UBS Whistleblower Who Brought Down The Clinton/Obama Money Laundering Operation Releases Key Intel and yet for the last four years my account has been suspended Elon musk needs to be non selectively allowing freedom of speech Yes i know Elon all is not as you would have it appear Breaking! Democrats File To Take Alex Jones’ X Account In Direct Attack Against America, RBG 8 fold ret 1000+ wait for that boomerang – Total election interference – Stealing Alex Jones voice INFOWARS and ID rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Information coup rbg 8 ret 1000+ Elon Musk, and President Trump
Tyranny knows no bounds Tyranny Rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Alex Jones delivered updates about the ongoing battle to close his company Infowars and the latest move to take his personal X social media account away. Will This Be The Final Day Of Infowars Transmissions? rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Court set to decide Infowars’ fate as Deep State moves to take control over Alex Jones’ personal X account! Breaking Exclusive! Tucker Carlson Breaks The Internet In Powerful Interview With Alex Jones – Humanity is about to over run the NWO Alex Jones issued a warning to humanity on the steps of a Houston federal courthouse on the lawfare attacks of the Democratic party Friday morning. If you lie down, these criminals are going to take everything and make you a slave: DEEP STATE RAN THE PROGRAM TO DESTROY ALEX JONES AND INFOWARS AND NOW FACE CONGRESS AS THEY ARE EXPOSED Exclusive: Alex Jones Makes First Statements After Infowars Victory In Bankruptcy Court Infowars Victory In Bankruptcy Court sealed Russell Brand Joins Alex Jones To Discuss Spiritual Warfare And The Future Of Humanity – the Restoration is Gods governing and yes it is time to really speak on this Russel when one breaks one breaks through and is re-birthed. You are one God loves know this fear is the dark forces trying to stop you turn into Gods love and light in all moments and there you will be protected A SIGN

It is an uncomfortable time when a cycle is ending and one has not quite entered the new but here we are at the cusp of being filled up for the new one. Congratulations Alex and now you can have the time to secure your archives and do so much more. Right on time as we enter the new cycle in just a short few days. In the fight for truth justice and freedom not only is the tide turned but the truth is winning. A new page is also being turned And so after standing back to hand over The awakening to the people themselves I return to the gates to begin the next phase birthing the book of love. Fleshing out The Restoration Gods governing and freedom. The first of this will be released 22nd June 2024 Alex Jones explained that America’s enemies are the cabal of globalist, transhumanist, world government entities who have decided that America is the only thing standing in their way to their New World Order agenda. Jones went on to explain that the Democrat Deep State’s ongoing efforts
to censor and persecute former President Trump and his allies like Steve
Bannon and Peter Navarro are only backfiring and waking more people up
to the tyranny. LOOK AT HIM GO+ point action – Sealed Alex Jones speech in full Bringing down the NWO sealed #TooBigToRig The Power of Repentance on the World Around Us

Te Manawa The Heart defender of the of the faith, Gods live sovereign de jure and sovereign de facto of the Age (TM) Christos of the Age. Leader of the Children of Light, Sovereign Queen of Aotearoa in right of Aotearoa and all her territories Nationally and Internationally, the Logos, Sovereign Queen of Queens of te Ao, Sheba, Mother of the Nations, Te Upoko Ariki (chief of chiefs of the Waitaha people, Kaitiaki Diplomat Te Moana nui a Kiwa, te ika a Maui, all rights reserved. Live life living

About TeManawa

Build on truth for lasting foundations Introduction I am Debra Ann Potroz, my hapu is Ngaati Mahuta. Born Under the watchful eyes of Mount Taranaki in Aotearoa Land of the long white cloud(NZ) I am descended from a long line of Kings. I was raised by my Tupuna, great ancestors of the past. On July 4th 2007 I was informed by an elder of the council of elders I received and in response accepted succession to the Maori Throne (confirmed Oct 2011). Later in the year this same Kaumatua informed me Mother of the Nations had been conferred adding the elders had called me TeManawa (The Heart) by which I was to be known. Previously an elder of Maniapoto had bestowed the name Hawaiikirangi. There is also official and validated Authority as The word made manifest, Christos, anointed one, since 1999, which has also been documented and recorded since 1992 to current. Barry Brailsford one of our great New Zealand authors released prophesy of the one to come who would hold up a stone at the temple of the 4 winds, he wrote she is the Leader of the Children of Light. In a glass case it waited 5 years for the hands that would lift it. In 1999 they arrived. The profile picture is of the stone (Petros Petra) named "Te Tapu Manawa nui" meaning The sacred big Heart (Manawa nui means Heart, brave, patient steadfast) yet it is the intent of nui to express in this case pure, Immaculate. Green stone is the stone of pure creation. It is the stone of peace, of The Gods, the fish, The stone of heaven and The Grail stone. Poutini is its guardian and is the first star of Orion's belt. It is held up at the gate of Tula on earth under the stars of Orion's belt, by Te Manawa (The heart) the person and first(An) in the sacred marriage as Poutini and Te Tapu Manawa nui in her hands join heaven to earth and earth to heaven. TeManawa as The word (Christos, anointed one) makes declaration standing in the circle of creation - Te means tree thus the true cross of Christ or the logos/word. Those with true hearts being the fertile soil shall find them. Debra also received "the foundation stone" in Maui 1996. Barry is of the Waitaha people, Te Manawa is Maori her (tribe) Iwi is Waikato whose waka is both on earth and in heaven being te waka o Tainui o te Ra. The waka bow is the Pleiades, Aldebaran is in the sail also known as The Golden Arrow and Orion's belt is the stern. TeManawa is The Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth. Kuia Taini Drummond explained the people are the heart beat. And thus TeManawa is announced to the world. All material is copyright Soul Directions 1992. Permission must be obtained to reproduce or use. Where permission is given no alteration to the material may be done. Bragging rights TeManawa has two sons, Tristan Pascoe and Samuel Potroz (Hill). Samuel is anointed and was held up to the four winds by Kaumatua Pereme Porter shortly after Samuel's birth in ancient ceremony. Telegram - Song of the Heart
This entry was posted in Aotearoa, God's Moving, Humanity Rising, Mother of the Nations, Signs and wonders of The Heart, Song of The Heart, The Children of Light, The Covenant of God, The Elect, The Gates, The Great Tree of Peace, The Heart, The Restoration and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.