To every Covid/Bird Flue, disease X tyrant – STOP NOW

NWO inclusive

What is a tyrant . : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally. b. : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power. In this case done under the guise of kindness The evidence of their genocidal crimes are now mainstream! There have been signs of a quickening of the fallout of the globalist agenda cowardly waging a silent war on humanity.

The evidence of their genocidal crimes are now mainstream. There is no turning back.

Many are fleeing like rats leaving a sinking ship while others are pummeling the panic button in the desperate attempt to replace the engineers and move forward on their diabolical blood lust. (desperate attempt to replace the engineers and move forward on their diabolical blood lust. RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000)

The evidence of their genocidal crimes are now mainstream!
The evidence of their genocidal crimes are now mainstream! – SEALED

Banks owe the world owe the people The great reset has been rejected by God Banks funding genocide in the greatest crimes against God Creation and humanity in the history of the world Obama’s Pentagon Developed The COVID Attack Plan, Warns Dr. Peter McCullough Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity Covid-19 Vaccine Triggers Vaccine AIDS – Warns Whistleblower Alex Jones Talks with Dr Judy Mikovits about the lies we were told about the covid vaccine – we can heal you XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

The first cases were detected on the sub-Antarctic islands in October 2023 in brown skuas, scavenging birds. It’s since been found in penguins, elephant seals, fur seals and Antarctic terns. By February this year, the virus was detected on the Antarctica Peninsula) Playing experiments on sea life and animals then No sign yet of H5N1 bird flu spreading between humans, says WHO chief – They know it has not been found in humans as a human to human incident yet LOOK

Bird flu is easily treatable Like Covid is Breaking! President Trump Warns Of New Bird Flu Pandemic: WE WILL NOT COMPLY – As the MSM Fear Mongers ramp up the Bird Flu Hoax Alex Jones tells Trump to make another viral video stating we will not comply

Having gathered the next threatened disease x lead up the evidence has been sent along to supplement the previous Covid evidence to the ICC (International Crimes Court) University epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker sets the stage for the next roll out of pre meditated crimes against you NZ pushing covid  and masks again  and bird flu NZ pushing assisted death BLOOMFIELD CAUGHT RED HANDED GAS LIGHTING THE PEOPLEAshley Bloomfield caught gaslighting and in corrupt actions against the people of Aotearoa The New Zealand Corporate Government has NO MANDATE to sign treaty We (Maori and our sovereign peoples (pakeha inclusive) have not seceded our sovereignty nor will we ever and NO ONE has the right to do so on our behalf. ASK why would a self confessed “naive” person medically, be co chair of WHO yes that’s Ashley co chair to Tedros. Pharmac Minister David Seymour met Act MP Todd Stephenson’s former drug company employer – and the MP sat in on the meeting yep and were supposed to be gmo free in nz BREAKING: Former Head Of CDC Confesses To COVID Injections Causing Massive Damage Squishy world leader plays both sides of issue to confuse and gaslight Canadian people on Covid jabs.A flashback video reveals Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at one point during the Covid pandemic claimed mRNA vaccines were safe and effective, only to have to backtrack following a multitude of vaccine injuries years later.

In a powerful side-by-side comparison circulating on social media, Trudeau of present-day un-ironically declares he’s aware of misinformation surrounding Covid vaccines, with a flash back to Dec. 2020 showing he at one point claimed “any vaccine we distribute for Canadians will be safe for Canadians.”The video then gets back to present day where Trudeau admits “there are probably people who probably gotten very sick from vaccinations,” illustrating how Trudeau himself was responsible for the spread of misinformation.

The side-by-side is a perfect encapsulation of how the squishy elite manipulate narratives to fit their agendas, gaslighting at every step to shape public opinion of vaccine status made the shot look better than it really was.Following massive death rates from the vaccine, many have taken to calling the Covid shot a ‘lethal injection’. Search Results Found


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Paralyzed From Covid Shot, Canadian Woman Offered Euthanasia, Now Sues Moderna

Sean Miller | Infowars

May 27th 2024, 10:12 am

In a post on X (formally Twitter) from Sunday, Kayla Pollock described how she was paralyzed from the Moderna Covid vaccination, to which the government of Canada offered to kill her, in order to put her out of her misery. She is now Suing Moderna.

In a move not dissimilar to what many have done to their old dogs, the Canadian government offered the Ontario mother death via the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program.

Pollock has filed a $45 million (CAD) lawsuit against Moderna for the harm that befell her from their vaccination. After receiving two Pfizer vaccines, Pollock received a Moderna booster dose, which paralyzed her.

“On February 22, 2024, a lawsuit seeking $45 million in damages was filed on behalf of Kayla Pollock against Moderna. The claim seeks physical, emotional, and psychological damages, loss of past and future income, future cost of care, pain and suffering, as well as aggravated and punitive damages,” Pollock’s website said.

ttps:// two years of wrangling, negotiators from the World Health Organization’s 194 member nations failed to reach agreement on a so-called “pandemic treaty.”

On Friday, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director general, announced that the deadline for negotiation ahead of this week’s World Health Assembly had passed.

The pandemic treaty would have included binding provisions for ratifying nations to implement in the event of another pandemic, including on the distribution of vaccines. The idea of a pandemic treaty was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to apparent failures to coordinate among nations and organizations. right NO SUCH THING AS LOCKSTEP THEN!

The genocide by Hamas and ISRAEL is no different to that of Covid lockstep roll out and the next pre planned disease X attempt with Bird flue Simply put they used lethal injections in what is known is a slow kill weapon removing ones auto immunity defense system and triggered by simply flues for continued wave after wave of harm death and mayhem rather than Bombs and guns AND THEY ARE WAR CRIMES VIDEO: UN Announces Plan To Ban Most Farming, Triggering The Starvation Of Billions RBG 8 fold ret 1000 Really that is an international crime committed on humanity AND A WAR CRIME

Correct +
AS IT MUST setting the precedent for COVID TYRANTS TURN IS COMING

GENOCIDE IS GENOCIDE – COVID AND THE NEXT PREPLANNED DISEASE X BIRD FLUE IS TOO AND ICC HAVE THE EVIDENCE ALREADY The Globalist System Is Collapsing In Real Time, Warns Bilderberg Expert Daniel Estulin BIG DEAL: Klaus Schwab Retreats From WEF After Great Reset EXPOSED Senator Josh Hawley Exposes CIA Creation Of COVID-19 BREAKING: Fauci Confesses To Crimes Against Humanity BREAKING: Globalists Resigning In Mass Ahead



Show trials RBG 8 fold ret 100 BREAKING: Deep State Attempted To Shut Down Infowars Headquarters Last Night – rbg 8 fold ret 1000 Jnl Ref Got the tiger by the tail. That’s a boomerang that will be immense. Lawfare RBG 8 fold ret 1000 Is This Infowars’ Last Broadcast? RBG 8 fold ret 1000 Patriots Rally Behind Alex Jones and Crew sealedTime to rally around Alex Jones and Infowars stand by Alex stand up for Alex and tell the deep state NOLet the third wave of elect stand and over come the deep state and nwo in a resounding NO to the globalist agendas GROUP AGENDAS RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000

Bilderberg 2024 Chilling NEW Agenda Ruthless Plot Against Trump RBG 8 fold ret 1000 rbg 8 fold ret 1000 turn that mirror round absolutely not all patriots know to be lawful and peaceful so cease setting up the play for false flags to blame on the patriots and truth Sayers rbg 8 fold ret 1000 Special Report: Bilderberg Is On The Run (Sealed) Says Top Globalist Expert Daniel Estulin – Globalist whistleblower Daniel Estulin breaks down the agenda of the 2024 Bilderberg Group confab as humanity wakes up to the global tyranny amid the conviction of President Trump — tune in! Joe Biden and his globalist allies were found to be behind the Nord Stream pipeline fiasco, setting the stage for the global war against Russia. rbg 8 fold ret 1000 rbg 8 fold ret 1000 turn that mirror round rbg 8 fold ret 1000

The demonic transmission rbg 7 fold ret 1000

The Chinese army is ready, together with the Russian army, to defend justice in the world – Chinese Defense Ministry RBG 7 FOLD RET 1000 DELUSIONAL CHINA

🔶 “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is ready to strengthen strategic ties with the Russian Armed Forces and work together to defend the international justice.” – the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the People’s Republic of China, Wu Qian RBG 7 FOLD RET 1000

🔶 “China’s Armed Forces are willing to work together with the Russian Armed Forces to fully implement the important consensus reached by the heads of the two countries to further strengthen strategic communications and coordination, deepen mutual trust in the military field and jointly implement the Global Security Initiative,” he said RBG 7 FOLD RET 1000

🔶 According to the representative of the Chinese military department, PLA military personnel are ready, together with their Russian colleagues, to “defend international justice and impartiality”, and also make every effort to ensure world and regional security RBG 7 FOLD RET 1000

yep that’s a massive boomerang waiting to happen

CCP agendas ALL RBG 8 RET 1000+

CCP KNOWS NO JUSTICE THEIR ACTION\ S HAVE PROVEN THIS EXTENSIVELY THEY ARE JUSTIFYING THEIR ILL INTENT AND QUITE DELUSIONAL ONE MUST LIVE JUSTICE TO KNOW IT COMMUNISM AND DICTATORSHIP TYRANNY AND BRUTALITY IS RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000 Building on lies deceit abuse brutality slavery and fear RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000 No reason to trust or believe in CCP at all what a disgrace and no amount of false words and justification will change the truth which you do not have or stand on – No honor just thuggery

sealed rbg 8 fold ret 1000 turn that mirror round – Let Liberty live That’s a boomerang that will be immense Could Be Shuttered rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ turn that mirror round WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Russian Insider Viktor Bout Warns Nuclear War Is Imminent
Russian businessman Viktor Bout joins Alex Jones to discuss the potential of WWIII.

As for the globalist world war 111 and financial chaos its rbg 8 fold ret 1000 Lay down the weapons of war and pick up the tools of peace its not a wise saying only its a warning As for people being drafted for your orchestrated world war and wars that’s rbg 8 fold ret 1000 do not fight for the globalist war cult and be their body fodder (Ukraine population decimated Like Gaza, Like the intent for Taiwan) rather let them fight their own wars redirect your resistance to the true target the UNNWO and all its agendas Davos Bilderburg inclusive Communist Marxist feudal dictatorship take over and all forms of slavery tyranny rbg 8 fold ret 1000Let freedom and freedom of speech live STAND UP AND SHOUT STOP IT NOW

This is the final battle Open the way for Gods full victory Let the last word of God live

God is uniting the patriots and Gods army right now Economic collapse is looming – BREAKING LIVE: UN Set To Announce New Bird Flu Pandemic, Repeat of Lockdowns, Forced-Injections to Stop Trump & Pass Pandemic Treaty rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ . Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Predicted PCR Test Fraud Of HIV, COVID, And Bird Flu BREAKING: British Medical Journal Reports Record Excess Deaths After COVID Vaccine

🚨New estimates show that 35 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have died from the dangerous abomination mRNA ‘vaccines’ —the worst medical product ever forced upon humanity.

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⚠️Dr. Ben Marble Warns What Happens to Patients Who Receive Vaccinated Blood

“The entire blood supply in the United States and the rest of the world is contaminated with the Spike protein, a poison and bioweapon,” warns American doctor Ben Marble.

“Anyone who sells this poison should be arrested. You should no longer accept blood from people who have taken poison. We’re seeing unvaccinated patients suddenly presenting with blood clots, heart attacks and strokes after receiving blood transfusions,” Marble said.

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“COVID Was a Hospital Holocaust, and the Ventilators Are the New Gas Chambers

“The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it’s because they were dying of the treatments.”

“It was not COVID that was killing…patients, it was the complete…medical mismanagement of COVID. It was the remdesivir, ventilator, death—wash, rinse, repeat.”

Critical Care RN, whistleblower, and Founder/Executive Director of Nurse Freedom Network Kimberly Overton describes for Peter Santilli how it was not COVID killing people in hospitals, but rather the (federally distributed) treatment protocols themselves.” it is not revenge the globalist have become rogue and lawless committing crimes and being caught red handed even writing laws to protect from being held accountable for their crimes plus trying to blame those not guilty for the crimes carried out by the globalist so that’s why And if you are running I remind all there is no place to hide Now what was the saying again you do the crimes you do the time

If Trump doesn’t get you criminals ICC certainly will and if they fail God absolutely will Its called three strikes and your out

⚠️Dr. Ben Marble Warns What Happens to Patients Who Receive Vaccinated Blood

“The entire blood supply in the United States and the rest of the world is contaminated with the Spike protein, a poison and bioweapon,” warns American doctor Ben Marble.

“Anyone who sells this poison should be arrested. You should no longer accept blood from people who have taken poison. We’re seeing unvaccinated patients suddenly presenting with blood clots, heart attacks and strokes after receiving blood transfusions,” Marble said.

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Rumble ( | Youtube ( | Website ( | Store ( What The Devil Wants Most… Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes The Fight For Your Soul – The existence of soul and spirit and the soul of humanity rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Declarations already done to null and void this agenda and if you all do not realize it they are working Have you all felt the increase of holy spirit this was released as TM finished the 22 years of declarations and handed back to humanity the free will responsibility Gods intercession and divine intervention has occurred. This is why all over the world the freedom leaders are speaking the very things of the declarations. It is now quite direct to the people. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions. Ruling could mean pharmaceutical companies are now vulnerable to legal actions since vaccines are granted liability protections.CORRECT MORE OF THE BS PEOPLE WERE BLINDED WITH – AS THEY WERE NOT INFORMED THEY WERE UNABLE TO MAKE INFORMED CONSENT AND THAT MEANS CRIMES COMMITTED CAN BE BE ENFORCED – sealed Only vaccinated children have these heart problems, according to the medical data.


The Liberals ordered 267 million shots of the Covid vaccines (10 for every man, women, transgender, child & baby in Australia) at a cost of $18 billion – and now Labor are trying to cover up the details.

And despite around 75% of shots ordered being unused and wasted, the Canberra bureaucracy consider this an “effective & efficient” use of taxpayer’s money.

Enough is enough. Australia deserves better, join the revolt – join ONE NATION and fight back against this nonsense. https:// ( (

Only ONE NATION will take on the UNIPARTY.

https:// ( ( it is called money laundering fraud and such EXCLUSIVE: Canadian Gov. Attempts To Euthanize Woman Paralyzed by COVID Shots
Kayla Pollock joins Alex Jones live to detail how the COVID vaccine paralyzed her and how the Canadian government responded to her health needs – disgraceful double attempt at murder

It’s over. This should be the final nail in the coffin for vaccine mandates

The US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit has just overturned a lower court decision on the legality of vaccine mandates

Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Los Angeles Unified School District
https:// ( ( (… (

The medical fascists have lost & freedom has eventually won

The court agreed with what I’ve been arguing for over 3 years, that you can’t mandate a medical intervention on the basis that there might be some alleged benefit to the person treated, when the invertention doesn’t prevent infection nor transmission & therefore provides no health benefit to others

In his concurring judgment, Nelson J noted “the common-law rule that forced medication was a battery”

Therefore anyone that imposed a covid vaccine mandate, starting with Dan Andrews, Gladys, the CEO of Qantas should pack a toothbrush & clean set of underwear & go and hand themselves into at the nearest police station are Luxon Peters and Seymour about to do an Ardern and commit mass crimes against humanity cause they alert on the chimera (Man Made) bird flue they have been testing on animals and are ramping up the propaganda on is on the Globalist Horizon.One thing is certain non compliance will occur and those entering into such roll outs will be certain of something else we know they guilty we know it is all pre planned and we know they know that making for some very serious ICC outcomes.= vaxed immune deficiency hits flue is the reality’s and those vaxed don’t have the immunity system to fight it off Practicing the five paths of repentance will heal and transform society Given that the bird flue made made chimera these mad scientist need to stop the insane experiments and they also need to be held accountable RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000 STOP FEAR MONGERING Its official the Bird Flue is a Chimera (Man Made) Uh oh! The “Boys who Cried Wolf (wolf, wolf, wolf,,, or pangolin, or monkey or whatever) ” will arrest you if you speak out against “chicken little flu”
From here: (14) Jim Ferguson on X: “Alert: 194 WHO Countries Agree to Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine – Media Blac 9/6/2024 rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ WHO threatens to arrest whole nations and states The Mexican government hit back at the WHO for claiming one of its citizens had died of bird flu

WHO couldn’t get past Mexico so now they try this stop it no one lived like this until your agendas started he WHO announced that an Australian girl suffered a severe case of bird flu in March The Mexican government has disputed the WHO’s claim that a Mexican man died of bird flu recently No Search Results Found

WHO: Australian Child Hit with Serious Bird Flu Case

Raw Egg Nationalist |

June 9th 2024, 2:00 am

The WHO announced that an Australian girl suffered a severe case of bird flu in March

The Mexican government has disputed the WHO’s claim that a Mexican man died of bird flu recently

Rizky Panuntun

A two-year-old girl from Australia needed intensive care in hospital after contracting H5N1 bird flu in the spring, according to the World Health Organization.

“This is the first confirmed human infection caused by avian influenza A (H5N1) virus detected and reported by Australia,” the WHO said in a statement, on Friday.

Although the source of exposure is unknown, it’s believed she caught the virus in India, where she had been travelling with her family. The girl was travelling in Kolkata for two weeks in February, but she had no know exposure to any sick people or animals in the city.

After returning to Australia on 1 March, she was admitted to hospital the next day. On 4 March she was transferred to intensive care, as her symptoms worsened. She remained in hospital for two-and-a-half weeks.
The girl tested positive for influenza at the hospital, and the samples were sent for further analysis.

“Virus genetic sequence obtained from the samples confirmed the subtype A(H5N1)… which circulates in southeast Asia and has been detected in previous human infections and in poultry,” the WHO said.

The girl has recovered and no relatives or close contacts of the family have developed symptoms.

Authorities in India are investigating.

The revelation comes in the wake of controversy about the supposed death of a man from bird flu in Mexico. The WHO reported last week that a 59-year-old man had died of bird flu, but the Mexican government died this, stating that the cause of death remained unknown, since the man was suffering multiple serious health conditions.

The unnamed man suffered from chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, all of which could have influenced or caused his death. He had been bedridden for weeks before dying.

Amid widening fears about a possible bird-flu pandemic, countries around the world are stockpiling vaccines. You mean mrna man made GMO to go with the man made chimera Bird flue – you all belong in jail – Reminder the globalist have stated the children as their next target If you have any sense of protecting them you will have to stand

rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ WHO and its agendas are RBG 8 fold ret 1000 that’s about being at war with humanity not climate which is also not about health Cut off the food supply and humanity will give in NO they wont Stop culling the beef chickens and bees and of course humanity – you all belong in jail What The Devil Wants Most… Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes The Fight For Your Soul – Soul Directions from the inside out. The only way to travel the journey of life. the world is awake they have learned how to fight like an info wars warrior There are mass Alex Jones out there now God wins and its not over for you by any means of imagination AlexNow comes The Restoration and that will mean comprehending it as God has laid it down Deep State criminals in full panic mode as everything they touch turns to sh*t — polls show conviction of President Trump, as Alex Jones predicted, only boosted him in the polls.Alex Jones breaks down the seismic shift in Europe as the globalist coalition suffered a massive defeat in the EU elections while populist candidates surged, showcasing people’s overwhelming rejection of the New World Order’s anti-human Great Reset agenda The Minions Of The Elite Are Super Freaks Breaking: Federal Court Rules Covid Shots Are Not Vaccines, Big Pharma Liable For Fraud – sealed = 35 million dead from the shots

Bird/mRNA vaccines RBG 8 fold ret 1000+ Bird flue like Covid is a lie mRNA vaccines NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE this man belongs in jail BREAKING: Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes Globalist Banker Coup Digital Id RBG 8 fold ret 1000+ Complete digital control rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Fast payment systems engineering through credit card Digital financial control rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ Bank coup and financial lockdown rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ WARNING/THREATENING COUNTRIES TO NOT ROLL OVER THEIR LOANS UNLESS COMPLYING TO WHO WEF UNNWO BANK AGENDAS RBG 8 FOLD RET 10000+ USING DEBT TRAP TO ENFORCE THESE AGENDAS RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000+ WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A SLAVERY SYSTEM SLAVERY RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000+ BANKS/BANKERS DOING THIS ALL NEED TO BE IN JAIL

People there are many things you can do goto UBS Whistleblower Who Brought Down The Clinton/Obama Money Laundering Operation Releases Key Intel Switzerland does not learn – owes world

Dissident detention centers rbg 8 fold ret 1000+ we will never be like you we will never be evil AND NO AMOUNT OF BRAINWASHING THREATS AND VIOLATIONS AGAINST US WILL EVER CHANGE THAT Jason Bermas: Transhumanism Totally Exposed The Master Class Elon Musk has a lot to answer for and yes he has never been sealed by God – Alex has not listened when it comes to Elon Musk or Trump 2 Corinthians 11:14Bible Gateway › verse

Even Satan tries to make himself look like an angel of light. and yet for the last four years my account has been suspended Elon musk needs to be non selectively allowing freedom of speech Yes I know Elon all is not as you would have it appear

She may be an astrologer yet speaks truth

Te Manawa The Heart defender of the of the faith, Gods live sovereign de jure and sovereign de facto of the Age (TM) Christos of the Age. Leader of the Children of Light, Sovereign Queen of Aotearoa in right of Aotearoa and all her territories Nationally and Internationally, the Logos, Sovereign Queen of Queens of te Ao, Sheba, Mother of the Nations, Te Upoko Ariki (chief of chiefs of the Waitaha people, Kaitiaki Diplomat Te Moana nui a Kiwa, te ika a Maui, all rights reserved. Live life living

About TeManawa

Build on truth for lasting foundations Introduction I am Debra Ann Potroz, my hapu is Ngaati Mahuta. Born Under the watchful eyes of Mount Taranaki in Aotearoa Land of the long white cloud(NZ) I am descended from a long line of Kings. I was raised by my Tupuna, great ancestors of the past. On July 4th 2007 I was informed by an elder of the council of elders I received and in response accepted succession to the Maori Throne (confirmed Oct 2011). Later in the year this same Kaumatua informed me Mother of the Nations had been conferred adding the elders had called me TeManawa (The Heart) by which I was to be known. Previously an elder of Maniapoto had bestowed the name Hawaiikirangi. There is also official and validated Authority as The word made manifest, Christos, anointed one, since 1999, which has also been documented and recorded since 1992 to current. Barry Brailsford one of our great New Zealand authors released prophesy of the one to come who would hold up a stone at the temple of the 4 winds, he wrote she is the Leader of the Children of Light. In a glass case it waited 5 years for the hands that would lift it. In 1999 they arrived. The profile picture is of the stone (Petros Petra) named "Te Tapu Manawa nui" meaning The sacred big Heart (Manawa nui means Heart, brave, patient steadfast) yet it is the intent of nui to express in this case pure, Immaculate. Green stone is the stone of pure creation. It is the stone of peace, of The Gods, the fish, The stone of heaven and The Grail stone. Poutini is its guardian and is the first star of Orion's belt. It is held up at the gate of Tula on earth under the stars of Orion's belt, by Te Manawa (The heart) the person and first(An) in the sacred marriage as Poutini and Te Tapu Manawa nui in her hands join heaven to earth and earth to heaven. TeManawa as The word (Christos, anointed one) makes declaration standing in the circle of creation - Te means tree thus the true cross of Christ or the logos/word. Those with true hearts being the fertile soil shall find them. Debra also received "the foundation stone" in Maui 1996. Barry is of the Waitaha people, Te Manawa is Maori her (tribe) Iwi is Waikato whose waka is both on earth and in heaven being te waka o Tainui o te Ra. The waka bow is the Pleiades, Aldebaran is in the sail also known as The Golden Arrow and Orion's belt is the stern. TeManawa is The Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth. Kuia Taini Drummond explained the people are the heart beat. And thus TeManawa is announced to the world. All material is copyright Soul Directions 1992. Permission must be obtained to reproduce or use. Where permission is given no alteration to the material may be done. Bragging rights TeManawa has two sons, Tristan Pascoe and Samuel Potroz (Hill). Samuel is anointed and was held up to the four winds by Kaumatua Pereme Porter shortly after Samuel's birth in ancient ceremony. Telegram - Song of the Heart
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