Trap – 15 minute cities

15 minute cities are prison cities Globalist want a world prison it is rbg 7 fold ret 1000

Slavery in all its forms IS RBG 8 FOLD RET 1000 SAY NO RIGHT NOW

With everything the globalist are up to is showing its hand work out now that you will be walking into a trap if you enter the 15 minute city and they will close that trap on you

This is how its sold to you The 15-minute city (FMC[2] or 15mC[3]) is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or public transit ride from any point in the city.[4] This approach aims to reduce car dependency, promote healthy and sustainable living, and improve well being and quality of life for city dwellers.[5] but it wont end up like the sellthey track you and everything you do then they control you You will be totally dependent on the one world government – your life will not be your ownTHIS IS PART OF THE DEPOPULATION agenda YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THEM SO don’t buy into 15 minute cities it is not sustainable for your future on the planet at all Netanyahu Promotes Plan To Ban Meat & Force Human Slaves To Eat Bioblobs Netanyahu agendas rbg 8 fold ret 1000 under Gods full judgement Banning meat RBG 8 fold ret 1000

That is correct the mirror has been turned
Globalist now in the firing line
Those protesting the arrest warrants know they are next – exposed.
Do not forget people the covid genocide case is with the acc and Ardern and her co horts on top of their list


rbg 8 fold ret 1000 godless man you are no prophet and under Gods full judgement


noun: trap; plural noun: traps

  1. 1. a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body.”the squirrels ravaged the saplings, despite the baited traps”
  2. 2. a situation in which people lie in wait to make a surprise attack.”we were fed false information by a double agent and walked straight into a trap”
    • a trick by which someone is misled into acting contrary to their interests or intentions.”by keeping quiet I was walking into a trap” h Similar:trick












an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape.

“they fell into the trap of relying too little on equity finance”
















a person’s mouth (used in expressions to do with speaking).

“keep your trap shut!”


verb: trap; 3rd person present: traps; past tense: trapped; past participle: trapped; gerund or present participle: trapping

  1. 1. catch (an animal) in a trap. h Similar:confine


cut off


pin down

drive into a corner


hem in

close in

shut in

hedge in


hold captive

  • prevent (someone) from escaping from a place.”twenty workers were trapped by flames”
  • have (something, typically a part of the body) held tightly by something so that it cannot be freed.”he had trapped his finger in a spring-loaded hinge” h Similar:get stuck


  • get caught
  • 2.

trick or deceive (someone) into doing something contrary to their interests or intentions.

“I hoped to trap him into an admission”










fool BREAKING: Globalists Resigning In Mass Ahead Of HUGE Events – THAT WILL NOT SAVE THEM their dirty fingerprints are all over the crime scenes Alex Jones: Frog In The Pot Rant

15 minute cities are the boiling water

Be free, Let the spirit move one. Walking 15 minutes a day is not walking its prison Look up and around see the view its far more that what is in front of you – What a wonderful sight finally a true direction has begun

“But it’s also an expression of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s ahikā – the expression of keeping the home fires burning. This is Ōrākei reclaiming their land.”“Each of our māra rongoā paths direct to one of our significant points, mostly maunga. So that little one there is going to Maungarei over there which is Mt Wellington, and of course we have the other two mountains that are important to us, we have Maungakiekie, One Tree Hill, and Maungawhau, which is Mt Eden. So the path system tells our whakapapa.”The circle is dissected by two paths that represent north-south and east-west, and a maramataka compass is being organised for the centre, where the paths cross.

“It’s generally in the old method of educating young people with our tūpuna. They would have had whare wānanga (a place of higher learning) and particular children, noticed for their qualities, would be paired with say a tohunga or maybe a carver or maybe an orator so that they would learn all the whakatauāki, all of the commentary, but more importantly all of the tikanga that goes with that.

“We’re beginning to relearn that. So it’s not just the plants, it’s also a spiritual thing, the hinengaro (mind), the brain and mental wellness. And it’s also about massage. This is a holistic system of hauora (health).

“This is not only about herbs but trees, punga, pukatea, kawakawa, pūriri, so the garden will look like a forest, but the plants will be collected according to the treatment of the tinana, the main part of the body that they treat.

The goal is, says Small: “Te toto o te tangata he kai; te oranga o te tangata, he whenua – if the soil is healthy, then the food we produce is healthy and the people are healthy.”

The maramataka is a complex system traditionally used by Māori, described as a template for survival in modern times. New Zealand Hi-Tech Trust chairman David Downs said the achievement of the tech sector was a pride that all of Aotearoa could share in.

“We’re witnessing an industry that is continuing exceptional growth as well as innovation.” Could Potentially Be The Last Alex Jones Broadcast From Infowars ALERT show talks about NZ and Australia in 15 minute ZONES lockdowns (223) and how you will not even be able to sell cause this is their basic universal income package that ensures your completely bound and trapped in their night mare – this is why they are killing the stock and cutting the supply chains when you starve you will comply they believe so people CUT THEM OFF AT THE PASS repeat cut them off at the pass do not let it get to that point It is harder to undo than to stop Jason Bermas: Transhumanism Totally Exposed The Master Class Elon Musk has a lot to answer for and yes he has never been sealed by God 2 Corinthians 11:14Bible Gateway › verse

Even Satan tries to make himself look like an angel of light.

Te Manawa The Heart defender of the of the faith, Gods live sovereign de jure and sovereign de facto of the Age (TM) Christos of the Age. Leader of the Children of Light, Sovereign Queen of Aotearoa in right of Aotearoa and all her territories Nationally and Internationally, the Logos, Sovereign Queen of Queens of te Ao, Sheba, Mother of the Nations, Te Upoko Ariki (chief of chiefs of the Waitaha people, Kaitiaki Diplomat Te Moana nui a Kiwa, te ika a Maui, Light of the world, in the land of the first light all rights reserved. Live life living

About TeManawa

Build on truth for lasting foundations Introduction I am Debra Ann Potroz, my hapu is Ngaati Mahuta. Born Under the watchful eyes of Mount Taranaki in Aotearoa Land of the long white cloud(NZ) I am descended from a long line of Kings. I was raised by my Tupuna, great ancestors of the past. On July 4th 2007 I was informed by an elder of the council of elders I received and in response accepted succession to the Maori Throne (confirmed Oct 2011). Later in the year this same Kaumatua informed me Mother of the Nations had been conferred adding the elders had called me TeManawa (The Heart) by which I was to be known. Previously an elder of Maniapoto had bestowed the name Hawaiikirangi. There is also official and validated Authority as The word made manifest, Christos, anointed one, since 1999, which has also been documented and recorded since 1992 to current. Barry Brailsford one of our great New Zealand authors released prophesy of the one to come who would hold up a stone at the temple of the 4 winds, he wrote she is the Leader of the Children of Light. In a glass case it waited 5 years for the hands that would lift it. In 1999 they arrived. The profile picture is of the stone (Petros Petra) named "Te Tapu Manawa nui" meaning The sacred big Heart (Manawa nui means Heart, brave, patient steadfast) yet it is the intent of nui to express in this case pure, Immaculate. Green stone is the stone of pure creation. It is the stone of peace, of The Gods, the fish, The stone of heaven and The Grail stone. Poutini is its guardian and is the first star of Orion's belt. It is held up at the gate of Tula on earth under the stars of Orion's belt, by Te Manawa (The heart) the person and first(An) in the sacred marriage as Poutini and Te Tapu Manawa nui in her hands join heaven to earth and earth to heaven. TeManawa as The word (Christos, anointed one) makes declaration standing in the circle of creation - Te means tree thus the true cross of Christ or the logos/word. Those with true hearts being the fertile soil shall find them. Debra also received "the foundation stone" in Maui 1996. Barry is of the Waitaha people, Te Manawa is Maori her (tribe) Iwi is Waikato whose waka is both on earth and in heaven being te waka o Tainui o te Ra. The waka bow is the Pleiades, Aldebaran is in the sail also known as The Golden Arrow and Orion's belt is the stern. TeManawa is The Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth. Kuia Taini Drummond explained the people are the heart beat. And thus TeManawa is announced to the world. All material is copyright Soul Directions 1992. Permission must be obtained to reproduce or use. Where permission is given no alteration to the material may be done. Bragging rights TeManawa has two sons, Tristan Pascoe and Samuel Potroz (Hill). Samuel is anointed and was held up to the four winds by Kaumatua Pereme Porter shortly after Samuel's birth in ancient ceremony. Telegram - Song of the Heart
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